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Diabetes Accelerates Aging and Mental Frailty, Research

A research journal called E-Life states that diabetes not only accelerates aging but also accelerates mental aging.  This is the reason why the atta…

Back pain, Muscle pain, and treatment

Back pain Doing more strenuous work increases the pain, constipation increases its frequency and sometimes constipation can also cause it. It particu…

What does your pulse tell you?

Technically, heart rate and pulse are two different things, but we are not concerned with that, just keep in mind that pulse tells you how fast your …

Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system

Runny nose Because the nose has hair , it can also cause abscesses, which can spread germs to nearby healthy areas. Put it on the nose and leave it o…

Jaundice: Black jaundice is the silent killer

Greater awareness about hepatitis   is a dangerous disease that can not only protect people from this disease but also reduce the risk of transmittin…

What are Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis or TB

Tuberculosis or TB The story of the measures that can be taken to avoid this deadly disease is very long and the health   department of the governmen…

What are hemorrhoids? Chronic hemorrhoids - signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids

Millions of people in the world are suffering from hemorrhoids , but they are unaware of them. Half of the population living in developed countries a…

What is Progeria? Aging in childhood how it is possible

What is progeria? It is a strange disorder, in which children become old in childhood. It is a genetic disease . The physical characteristics of the …

The summer season can kill you

If effective measures are not taken, summer can cause many diseases and can be fatal. Diseases like nausea , loss of appetite , vinegar pain , yello…

The main cause of environmental pollution is mental pollution

Today, progress in the world seems to be singing the praises of human greatness and nobility. On the one hand, today's era is saddened by scienti…

Asthma in spring - Allergic asthma, Precautions, and Recipe Health-Teachers

Seasons change as usual. Each season has its own specific requirements. After winter comes to an end, spring comes in full swing. We have this season…

What is Tinnitus? Can Tinnitus is a disease or not

When fifty-seven-year-old JUSTUS's hands began to tremble, probably due to nerve spasms, his physician advised him to go to the hospital and get …
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