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Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system

It is a cold-like illness, it comes on suddenly and usually gets better within a few hours, so it can be called a cold attack. The patient starts snee

Runny nose

Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system - Health-Teachers

Because the nose has hair, it can also cause abscesses, which can spread germs to nearby healthy areas. Put it on the nose and leave it on the nose for half an hour. Soak a towel in the solution and tap the cooked nose. If the pain is severe, use aspirin. There are delicate organs around the nose.

Nasal Allergy

Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system - Health-Teachers

It is a cold-like illness, it comes on suddenly and usually gets better within a few hours, so it can be called a cold attack. The patient starts sneezing suddenly. are much more severe than and several sneezes at the same time make the patient feel bad, the nose gets blocked, very thin discharge starts coming out of the nose, it is so thin that it does not even leave a mark on the handkerchief when it dries, the eyes water.

It starts coming and burning in the eyes usually it gets better in a few hours but in some cases, germs get into the nose which makes the disease last longer This allergy can happen in any season but usually a sudden change of weather It is caused by pollen, wool, thread and cotton fibers entering the nose and causing allergies. Sometimes psychological factors can also cause you to be allergic.


Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system - Health-Teachers

The best treatment is to find the cause of the allergy and try to avoid it. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid the cause of the allergy. By preparing the serum of the factors, you can prove yourself against allergies. In our country, there are few facilities to prepare such serums, however, every person can use anti-allergy drugs.

Antistin, Benadryl, Anthisan, Phenergan, and Synopen are especially noteworthy. A pill or two can greatly reduce the severity of allergies. These medicines are also available in the form of injections and syrups.

Most allergies cause colds and these allergies are often of a psychological nature, usually, the cause of colds is not a sudden change in the weather, but actually, it is in the consciousness or subconsciousness of the patient that there may be cold in the season and He gets a cold If your willpower is strong and you believe that even the harshest weather can't make you catch a cold, you won't catch a cold.
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About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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