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New Blood Test to Identify Bipolar Disorder

An international team of scientists has jointly discovered six biomarkers in human blood   that can identify patients with bipolar disorder. Millions…

Mouthwash turns out to be an enemy of harmful bacteria as well as beneficial bacteria

Bactericidal mouthwashes are killing the ' healthy ' microbes inside our mouths along with the dangerous ones, a dentist has warned. These mi…

Loneliness in middle age can increase the risk of dementia

Prolonged loneliness and isolation can lead to dementia . This has been revealed by a survey of millions of people in Great Britain. Physically, isol…

Important measures and prescriptions for prevention of rash diseases

In addition to various fruits and vegetables , the use of kalonji, mango kernels, rhinoceros leaves, etc. is useful in many diseases. Below are some …

Back pain, Muscle pain, and treatment

Back pain Doing more strenuous work increases the pain, constipation increases its frequency and sometimes constipation can also cause it. It particu…

Eyelids turning inward

Sometimes one or more eyelids due to misplaced fire may turn inward and rub against the eye, causing severe itching and pain in the eye. The eyelids …

Winter illness Influenza, Symptoms and Precautions

Many people love the winter season but do not take care that they get sick in this beautiful season and cannot enjoy this season so it is important …

Take medicine as per doctor's advice

A drug that benefits your uncle, aunt, brother, or friend may not necessarily benefit you. The symptoms of the same disease   can be different. The p…

See Brain-licking diseases

Millions of people in the world are suffering from mental, mental, neurological, and psychological diseases . Despite the claims of reduction in the …

What is Stress? How To Cope With Stress

What is stress ? According to a  Gallup poll ,  1,011  people interviewed last year did not have enough time to pursue their favorite activities. The…

What does your pulse tell you?

Technically, heart rate and pulse are two different things, but we are not concerned with that, just keep in mind that pulse tells you how fast your …

Diseases of the nose, throat and respiratory system

Runny nose Because the nose has hair , it can also cause abscesses, which can spread germs to nearby healthy areas. Put it on the nose and leave it o…

What are Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis or TB

Tuberculosis or TB The story of the measures that can be taken to avoid this deadly disease is very long and the health   department of the governmen…
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