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The Human Brain And The Amazing Machine - Health-Teachers

The human brain  weighs about one pound (less than half a kilo) at birth, but by the time a person reaches the age of six, the brain weighs up to thr…

7 Easy Ways To Keep The Brain Healthy - Health-Teachers

The mind is the ruler of the body. But according to a recent survey by the International Federation on Aging, most people are unaware of how to keep …

13 reasons your Brain may be affected - Health-Teachers

We all want a healthy and functioning brain because the brain gives us the ability to live and think and understand but sometimes some external forc…

Cannabis is harmful to our Brain

There is no conclusive evidence that long-term use of cannabis (MARIJUANA) upsets the balance of chemicals in the brain . During a research study in …

What is the Power of Our Brain? Health-Teachers

The mind is God's best creation and a priceless gift to mankind. Which man is using to make new inventions and great scientific achievements. We …

9 Easy tips that improve your brain memory - Health-Teachers

Good memory is also a sign of good health , but as a person gets older, his memory begins to suffer. This is really a problem for the family.  But no…

If health is dear, then give up some habits

Our brain is the part of our body that works the hardest. Even when a person sleeps, the brain does not sleep or take a break. So it is our responsi…

Brain changes from birth to 100 years mapped

Hundreds of scientists have created a complete map of brain  changes from birth to 100 years after looking at brain MRI scans of nearly 100,000 peopl…

Sharpen the Mind by Eating These Foods

Without a strong mind, no matter how strong the body is, it is impossible to move forward in life or see a promising future. Certain foods protect ag…

Significant success in determining brain location in epileptic seizures

The worst form of epilepsy is that in which no medicine works and excision of the affected tissue remains the last resort. Now experts have achieved …

What are the Causes of Dementia?

Dementia or Alzheimer's is a brain disease that usually targets the elderly. In this disease, the memory of a person goes slowly due to which th…

Diabetes Accelerates Aging and Mental Frailty, Research

A research journal called E-Life states that diabetes not only accelerates aging but also accelerates mental aging.  This is the reason why the atta…

Breathing acts as a clock in sleep, research shows

Scientists have discovered a close connection between breathing and sleep, saying that breathing is an important clock of the sleeping brain. On the …

Heart disease affects brain more in women, study

After researching nearly 2,000 middle-aged and elderly people, American experts have discovered that women's brains are more affected by heart di…

Forgetting is actually a form of 'learning', the new theory

Two brain experts have come up with a new theory that says forgetting is actually a form of learning something new. This new theory by Dr. Thomas Rya…

Boost brain power with strawberries

Strawberry  is a small fruit , which is juicy and soft. Its shape is round and round and its taste is sweet or sour. It has many types depending on t…
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