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If health is dear, then give up some habits

Our brain is the part of our body that works the hardest. Even when a person sleeps, the brain does not sleep or take a break. So it is our responsibi

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Our brain is the part of our body that works the hardest. Even when a person sleeps, the brain does not sleep or take a break. So it is our responsibility to take care of it ourselves but some of our own common habits are harmful to our brain. Here are some of the habits that damage our brain and if you are addicted to any of these habits, give up immediately.


If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

We all know how important breakfast is for us but most people don't pay attention to it and start doing their daily chores without breakfast. Sleep deprives you of food and drink for many hours and now your body needs nutrients. Not eating anything in the morning weakens your brain cells. Complaints of drowsiness and dizziness are also usually caused by the habit of not eating breakfast.

Extra food

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Overeating is a bad habit anyway, but another important thing we often don't pay attention to is that overeating can also lead to weight gain. This bad habit also hardens our arteries, causing severe damage to the brain. So it is better to eat in moderation and live a healthy life.

High sugar consumption

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Consuming too much sugar makes your body harder to absorb protein and other essential nutrients. Make sure your body is getting as much food as it needs to function properly, not extra, so people who think they eat more mean they use more sugar. Do more because it makes people hungry. And overeating can severely damage the brain.


If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

We all know that smoking only harms us but we are still badly addicted to it. Smoking is the killer of our brain cells and it causes our memory to become shorter and weaker. In addition, smoking can cause Alzheimer's disease.

Air pollution

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Of course, this is not a habit but it is also one of the causes of mental health damage. Our brains need large amounts of oxygen to function properly, but unfortunately, air pollution severely damages the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Lack of discussion

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Discussing various resources and issues grows our brain and new ideas are born in our brain. In addition, discussions provide insignificant information. But if you don't talk to people, your brain capacity is affected and you can't think much about any problem other than being limited. The habit of not speaking also causes the brain to shrink.

Sarkodhak Karson

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Our brains need oxygen not only when we are awake but also when our body is snoring. Most people have a habit of covering their heads and then covering themselves with a chador or blanket. But this habit can also be very dangerous because in this case the oxygen supply to the body is obstructed. On the other hand, the amount of carbon dioxide entering the body also increases and this is also dangerous.

Work during illness

If health is dear, then give up some habits - Health-Teachers

Some people continue to work even when they are not feeling well or when they are really tired. Even then, regular work can be more dangerous for you and you need to rest for a while. By resting, you are once again full of energy and vitality and your brain becomes more active than before.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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