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Blood Pressure is Dangerous for our Health - Health-Teachers

According to medical experts, men and women aged 40 to 50 years and above are more likely to have high blood pressure.

The upper blood pressure is 110/130 while the lower is 90/70. If it is more or less than this, it is called low blood pressure. Today, our daily lives, eating habits, and social behavior are becoming a major cause of mental and physical illness.

The upper blood pressure is 110/130 while the lower is 90/70. If it is more or less than this, it is called low blood pressure. Today, our daily lives, eating habits, and social behavior are becoming a major cause of mental and physical illness.

Blood pressure is a common problem nowadays. According to medical experts, men and women aged 40 to 50 years and above are more likely to have high blood pressure. Are becoming a major cause of mental and physical illness. Blood pressure is one of them.

Read: Don't Let Your Blood Pressure Rise

The disturbing situation is that now this disease is increasing in our youth as well. In fact, from the human brain to the toes, there is a network of small and large arteries of blood when the blood circulates through the heart with a certain flow every moment.

If the blood flow is normal, then all over the body. Organs receive oxygen, so a person stays healthy, but if the blood flow becomes faster or slower, it can lead to high blood pressure.

There are usually three parts to blood pressure.

If the upper blood pressure is 110/130 and the lower is 90/70 then it is considered normal. So if it is more or less than that then it is called low or high blood pressure but if it is 5% less or more then there is no need to worry. High blood pressure. It causes headaches, numbness, or drowsiness.
  • Normal blood pressure
  • high blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure

If the upper blood pressure is 110/130 and the lower is 90/70 then it is considered normal. So if it is more or less than that then it is called low or high blood pressure but if it is 5% less or more then there is no need to worry. High blood pressure. It causes headaches, numbness, or drowsiness.

The body also feels distant and tense. When all these symptoms appear, make sure that your blood pressure is high. This means that these symptoms can appear in both cases of high blood pressure. 

In both cases, there is a risk of heart disease, kidney failure, visual impairment, and stroke. Other causes of high blood pressure include heart problems.

Hormonal problems (obesity) and medication side effects. However, by making some changes in your daily life and eating habits, you can control diseases like blood pressure. 

It is also important that when you notice any symptoms of blood pressure, check your blood pressure immediately and follow the medication prescribed by the doctor. Use

It is also important that when you notice any symptoms of blood pressure, check your blood pressure immediately and follow the medication prescribed by the doctor. Use

Minimize the use of marketed, frozen, or home-frozen foods, as long-term food storage increases the number of carbohydrates and sodium in them.

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There are many medicines for high blood pressure. If there is no cure with a single prescription, try to change it with the advice of a doctor, but do not use it at all. Unfortunately, many people do not know about it and do not know about the disease. 

If any of the relevant symptoms are noticed, then they are deprived of treatment which leads to serious consequences. Doses, ie doses are given, then gradually reduced to one.

This means that it is compulsory to make the treatment of high blood pressure a part of your lifestyle, but if you want to make any changes, you must first consult your doctor. Only go to a heart specialist. 

Although it has been surprisingly found that 95% of blood pressure rises or falls have no medical cause, simply because of heredity, people get the disease.

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That is, if one of the parents has a problem with blood pressure, it is also transmitted to children. In Pakistan, the number of patients with high blood pressure has doubled in the last ten years.

High or low blood pressure causes

When blood pressure is high, the blood vessels become narrow because they lose the ability to contract and expand, which affects their functioning.
  • headaches. 
  • fainting. 
  • drowsiness.

There is also a feeling of pain and tension in the body.

High blood pressure damages blood vessels

When blood pressure is high, the blood vessels become narrow because they lose the ability to contract and expand, which affects their functioning.

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Sometimes the heart, brain, kidneys, and other organs work harder. have to do it. Due to this, sometimes there are cases of rupture of arteries which can lead to death. 

In case of low blood pressure

  • Protein Core Always use fresh fruits and vegetables to get boho adrenaline.
  • Drink more water and beverages.
  • Avoid going out in the sun as much as possible. 

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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