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Sweet and Powerful: The Health Benefits of Mulberries

Mulberry or mulberry is a popular and common fruit. Its botanical name (Morus Alba) is Morus Alba, which is found in black, red, and white colors.  W…

Why are breastfed babies smarter than others?

It has long been believed that breastfeeding increases the IQ of children, and recently a new study has strengthened this idea.  New research has fou…

Eating an egg a day can reduce the risk of heart disease

The egg is useful for the heart   or harmful? This is a long debate but now there is some evidence that eating an egg a day is good for the heart and…

Inhaler Use Unhelpful in Severe Asthma

A new study recently found that popular treatments such as inhalers are often ineffective in severe asthma   attacks.  Inhalers (corticosteroids) are…

Slow walking in the elderly is a sign of mental illness

A recent study in Australia has found that elderly people who walk abnormally slowly should have their cognitive abilities evaluated medically. The s…

Should non-smokers be concerned about cigarette smoke?

Seventy-five-year-old Nalini Satyanarayan says, “I can't breathe through my nose. I breathe through the hole in my neck, this process is called …

Tobacco products are having dangerous effects on the environment

Eight million people die every year because of smoking , but the industry is not only responsible for people's deaths, but it is having a more da…

Tuberculosis or Typhoid is a Dangerous Disease and Its Treatment

It is a contagious fever that persists for a long period of time. It is found all over the world but is mostly seen in warm countries.   In Pakistan …

Traffic noise is affecting children's memory, research

Research on thousands of children has shown that traffic noise can affect the memory of very young elementary school students and make them less atte…

Medical staff can improve their performance by getting some sleep during the night shift

Night shift workers in hospitals can improve their performance if they get just 20 minutes of sleep, which is essential for patient safety, a recent …

Research says, Tall height can cause nerve, skin and heart diseases

A new study has revealed that being tall can increase your risk of nerve, skin , and some heart diseases. The study is the largest ever to look at th…

Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits

Cherry season has started and now this delightful and delicious fruit is available all over Pakistan . Among the countless benefits of cherries, tw…

Jaundice detection app by looking at the eyes of newborn babies

Newborn babies often suffer from jaundice , but now thanks to a simple app, this liver disease can be easily identified in them. This app can identif…

Stay active in old age and ward off stroke

A study has warned that sedentary activities in old age increase the risk of stroke in older adults by 14 percent. That is, physical exertion and la…

Fish and vegetarian people have better memory, research

A study has revealed that people who do not eat meat other than fish and eat only vegetables have a better memory than meat eaters.  According to a…

Climate change is deadly for the heart

Scientists have coined the term 'Climate Heart Effects' or Climate Cardiology, warning of the negative effects of changing weather and climat…
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