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Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits

Cherry season has started and now this delightful and delicious fruit is available all over Pakistan. Among the countless benefits of cherries, two of
Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits - Health-Teachsers

Cherry season has started and now this delightful and delicious fruit is available all over Pakistan. Among the countless benefits of cherries, two of the most important are that they promote restful sleep and promote weight loss.

Rich in nutrients

Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits - Health-Teachsers

Cherries of all varieties are rich in valuable nutrients. One cup or 154 grams of cherries has 97 calories, 2 grams of protein, three grams of fiber, 18 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C, 10 percent of the daily requirement of potassium, and 5 percent of copper and other nutrients that improve health. Apart from vitamin K and vitamin B, an abundant amount of manganese is also found in this fruit.


Research has shown that all types of cherries are rich in antioxidants and reduce internal inflammation. 11 out of 16 studies have shown that eating cherries reduce inflammation in the body and can prevent a variety of diseasesThe polyphenols present in it prevent cellular damage and diabetes, as well as brain degeneration.

Strengthens the heart

Scientific research shows that several components of cherries protect the heart. The potassium present in it is useful for the heart. The main components of cherries make the heartbeat smooth and blood pressure normal.

Research has shown that eating a good amount of potassium keeps the heart healthy. Apart from this, polyphenols and other ingredients also strengthen the heart.

Useful in joint pain

Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits - Health-Teachsers

Cherries can reduce arthritis and joint pain due to their anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, several ingredients prevent the release and accumulation of uric acid.

In this regard, a study has been conducted in which the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP) that causes internal inflammation is reduced in women who eat 280 grams of cherries per day. The magical effects of eating cherries begin to emerge only after 5 hours.

Cherries and peaceful sleep

Eating cherries improve the duration and quality of sleepCherries are rich in melatonin and their juice is good for sound sleep. A two-week study found that drinking a cup of sour cherry juice every few days increased the duration of sleep and improved the quality of sleep in older adults with insomnia.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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