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Binge eating in gluttonous children may be related to the brain

Some children in Pakistan and the world eat indiscriminately all the time and now it is known that compared to normal children, there may be a signifi
Binge eating in gluttonous children may be related to the brain

Some children in Pakistan and the world eat indiscriminately all the time and now it is known that compared to normal children, there may be a significant difference in the gray area of their brains.

In this regard, Stuart Murray, an expert associated with the Keck School of the University of Southern California, has said that some children cannot control themselves and continue to eat and drink.

His brain scan showed that this caused significant changes in the brain, which can also be called abnormal changes. In this regard, parents and doctors have to play an important role.

According to a report published in the Journal of Psychiatry Research, the part of the brain of nine or ten-year-old gluttonous children is affected, which is related to reaping benefits and appetite. When it is affected, habits deteriorate and a state of excessive eating is created, which is called an eating disorder by psychologists.

Such children go to the hospital frequently, are stressed, prone to obesity, and prefer to be isolated. Based on these conditions, experts have studied such children whose numbers can range from 2 to 4 percent.

A total of 11,875 children from 21 locations across the United States were included in this study. The most significant change in the brains of children with eating disorders was seen in the gray area.

But what other consequences can a change in the gray area have? Scientists, already know that these brain changes can lead to many psychological disorders. However, Professor Stewart has indicated further research on this.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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