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Amazing Benefits of Sugar Apart From Food

From getting rid of blemishes to beauty treatments, sugar can also be used to get rid of various problems and save thousands of rupees, reports Dawn.

Sugar is one of the things that are always present in the kitchen because who doesn't like sweet food and tea also seems boring without it to most people, but did you know that apart from the satisfaction of sugary sweet food, there is something more.

Sugar is one of the things that are always present in the kitchen because who doesn't like sweet food and tea also seems boring without it to most people, but did you know that apart from the satisfaction of sugary sweet food, there is something more. 

It can do things you have never imagined. From getting rid of blemishes to beauty treatments, sugar can also be used to get rid of various problems and save thousands of rupees, reports Dawn.

Wound Healing

According to various research reports, sprinkling sugar on wounds before washing and dressing them helps kill bacteria, which prevents wounds from healing quickly. Bacteria need moisture to thrive while sugar draws water from the wound.

Relieves Burning Tongue 

Hot tea or eating has burnt the tongue, if this is experienced then suck on a pinch of sugar, it will give instant relief. Effective against bee and insect stings. Bee stings or insect stings are quite painful, to get rid of them, mix an equal amount of sugar and water and For twenty minutes, leave it on the affected region.
Hot tea or eating has burnt the tongue, if this is experienced then suck on a pinch of sugar, it will give instant relief. Effective against bee and insect stings. Bee stings or insect stings are quite painful, to get rid of them, mix an equal amount of sugar and water and For twenty minutes, leave it on the affected region.

Treatment of Hiccups 

Eating a spoonful of sugar helps in preventing hiccups. Makes lipstick last longer: Sprinkle some sugar on lips after applying lipstick, wait for a minute, and then peel off. The sugar will absorb the moisture in the lipstick and also improve its color.

Extend the Life of Flowers in a Vase

Mix three teaspoons of sugar with two tablespoons of vinegar in warm water and then pour into the vase. The sugar will feed the roots of the flowers while the vinegar will inhibit bacteria.

Make Hair Shine

Adding a spoonful to your favorite shampoo can make your hair look cleaner and shinier than usual. And who wouldn't love clean and shiny hair? However, you shouldn't use this technique too often—no more than once or twice a month.
Adding a spoonful to your favorite shampoo can make your hair look cleaner and shinier than usual. And who wouldn't love clean and shiny hair? However, you shouldn't use this technique too often—no more than once or twice a month.

Getting Rid of Insects and Red Bags 

Mix equal amounts of sugar and baking powder and sprinkle this mixture on any place where insects or red bags are suspected, sugar will attract the insects while baking powder will repel them. 

Similarly, mix one spoon of sugar with one spoon of sugar in one cup of water and soak the bread in this mixture. These cotton swabs should be spread around the pest-infested area.

Spot Cleaning

Mix sugar and warm water to make a paste and apply it to the spots. Leave this mixture on for one to two hours and then wash the clothes as usual.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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