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Obese people can dramatically reduce weight and diabetes by eating more fruits and vegetables

Not one, but 11 research papers have shown that if obese people increase the number of vegetables in their diet for just three months, positive eff…

Beneficial bacteria in the digestive system fight disease-causing bacteria

A new study has revealed that various beneficial and friendly bacteria inside the intestines capture the energy of the hostile bacteria that cause ma…

Common Diseases and Their Treatment

The digestive system is the most imbalanced system of our body. The cause of many diseases in this system is psychological. To treat them, psychologi…

Plastic is a threat to the planet

We use countless items in our daily life. Those objects are also a combination of several components. Some items are beneficial and some are harmfu…

Eating blueberries daily reduces the risk of dementia

A University of Cincinnati study revealed that if middle-aged people regularly eat a certain amount of blueberries  daily, they can slow down the pro…

Treatment of Heartburn and Sour Belching

Sometimes the acid of the stomach gets into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Whenever acidic substance reaches…

Invented nanorobots that clean teeth with heat

The science of nanotechnology is now becoming fruitful and now such nanobots have been created which can not only clean the teeth with the help of he…

Sweet and Powerful: The Health Benefits of Mulberries

Mulberry or mulberry is a popular and common fruit. Its botanical name (Morus Alba) is Morus Alba, which is found in black, red, and white colors.  W…

Why are breastfed babies smarter than others?

It has long been believed that breastfeeding increases the IQ of children, and recently a new study has strengthened this idea.  New research has fou…

Inhaler Use Unhelpful in Severe Asthma

A new study recently found that popular treatments such as inhalers are often ineffective in severe asthma   attacks.  Inhalers (corticosteroids) are…

The habit of drinking sugary coffee can also increase life

After researching millions of people for seven consecutive years, Chinese experts have said that even if there is sugar in coffee or not, it can make…

Tuberculosis or Typhoid is a Dangerous Disease and Its Treatment

It is a contagious fever that persists for a long period of time. It is found all over the world but is mostly seen in warm countries.   In Pakistan …

Eating three grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day can reduce blood pressure

A study has found that consuming three grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day can reduce blood pressure , but experts have called for more research.  A…

Medical staff can improve their performance by getting some sleep during the night shift

Night shift workers in hospitals can improve their performance if they get just 20 minutes of sleep, which is essential for patient safety, a recent …

Research says, Tall height can cause nerve, skin and heart diseases

A new study has revealed that being tall can increase your risk of nerve, skin , and some heart diseases. The study is the largest ever to look at th…

Cherries are rich in better sleep, weight loss and other benefits

Cherry season has started and now this delightful and delicious fruit is available all over Pakistan . Among the countless benefits of cherries, tw…

Jaundice detection app by looking at the eyes of newborn babies

Newborn babies often suffer from jaundice , but now thanks to a simple app, this liver disease can be easily identified in them. This app can identif…
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