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Almonds a Complete Food - Health-Teachers

Almonds are an important source of vitamin E, magnesium, and protein. The healthy fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants in it protect against heart di…

A new way to diagnose depression - Health-Teachers

Researchers have developed a new way to predict the risk of medical depression  in teenage boys. They suffer from feelings of loneliness and the feel…

Six Amazing Benefits of Lemons - Health-Teachers

If you want to keep lemons fresh for longer, keep them in a glass filled with fresh water .  Lemons have many properties and medical experts use t…

Tomato Sauce Protects against Heart Disease - Health-Teachers

A recent study by medical experts has revealed that one or two fresh tomato sauces may help reduce the risk of heart disease . According to resear…

Chest diseases Pain and symptoms - Health-Teachers

Respiratory disease is characterized by the following symptoms: Cough that is persistent, painful, and with mucus. Cough is caused by an irritation o…

Do not Forget to Eat Pomegranate - Health-Teachers

We all know the benefits of pomegranate. Even in ancient times, the Greeks and Egyptians considered the pomegranate a symbol of health. According to …

Eat Well and Lose Weight - Health-Teachers

If someone is told that food can change our lives, they will laugh at it as a joke, but consider that if you eat proper and balanced foods at the rig…

Don't Worry It Is Not difficult To Be Happy - Health-Teachers

What Report Says? It is said that the richest person in the world is the one who is happy with trivial things. However, today man has limited the sco…

Papaya a Useful Fruit for our Body - Health-Teachers

One of the major benefits of eating papaya  is that it helps prevent cancer . The antioxidants in papaya protect against cancer-causing cells. Vitami…

Care Better Than Cure - Health-Teachers

"An ounce of precaution is better than a pound of treatment," said Benjamin Franklin, and it continues to this day. Man is prone to mistake…
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