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Green Okra- Health-Teachers

It is also useful. It is recommended to eat bhindi to cure anemia in young girls and mothers. Especially for new mothers who do not like to eat liver

You may have eaten okra as a salad and with meat in the form of curry. Apparently, it is a common vegetable called Okra and Lady Finger in English. However, its medical properties make it useful

You may have eaten okra as a salad and with meat in the form of curry. Apparently, it is a common vegetable called Okra and Lady Finger in English. However, its medical properties make it useful.

If you don't like bhindi curry, you can change its shape and cook it. Cooking with spices not only changes the shape of the vegetable but also the taste. This can be a pleasant addition.

It is an antidote to diabetes

The fiber in okra lowers the blood glucose level and moderates it. The fiber in okra softens the glucose in okra because it is soluble in water. It is a vegetable that improves immunity.

The fiber in okra lowers the blood glucose level and moderates it. The fiber in okra softens the glucose in okra because it is soluble in water. It is a vegetable that improves immunity. 

It is also useful. It is recommended to eat okra to cure anemia in young girls and mothers. Especially for new mothers who do not like to eat liver.

It is an anti-cancer vegetable

Lectin, a type of protein found in okra that fights breast cancer resistance, was used in a study to treat osteoporosis, which causes a 63% reduction in cancer cells came to see.

Lectin, a type of protein found in okra that fights breast cancer resistance, was used in a study to treat osteoporosis, which causes a 63% reduction in cancer cells came to see.

Okra seeds are also the most effective. They soften the insufficient amount of folate in the human body to prevent cancer.

It improves memory

Potatoes contain phosphorus, omega 3, and 6 fatty acids which help in improving memory. It is said that two to four potions should be dipped in clean water and kept overnight and fed to children in the morning to improve their memory.

Potatoes contain phosphorus, omega 3, and 6 fatty acids which help in improving memory. It is said that two to four potions should be dipped in clean water and kept overnight and fed to children in the morning to improve their memory. 

Nutritional value of 100 grams of okra

  • Carbohydrates 7.03 grams
  • 1 gram of fat
  • Fiber 9%
  • 2 grams of protein
  • Magnesium 14%
  • Folate 15%
  • Vitamin 14A%
  • Vitamin C 26%
  • Vitamin 26 K%
  • Vitamin 14 B6%

The use of okra is very important for new mothers to avoid osteoporosis. The above properties provide calcium to the bones. In addition, this vegetable is also the best choice for weight loss. 

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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