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Ajinomoto Delicious but Harmful - Health-Teachers

The best way is to add flavor to your food with homemade spices so that Ajinomoto and canned foods on the market do not cause a variety of diseases.

You have a packet of crisps and crispy potato chips in your hand that you are enjoying. You think that you will eat only one packet but after a while the packet becomes empty and your fingers do not start hitting.

You have a packet of crisps and crispy potato chips in your hand that you are enjoying. You think that you will eat only one packet but after a while the packet becomes empty and your fingers do not start hitting. 

Then there is the desire to have another packet of food but it is not your fault. This is your enemy Chinese salt (Ajinomoto). Because of its taste, you go to Chinese restaurants and after an hour of eating there, you start feeling hungry again.

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Ajinomoto enhances the taste of foods so you are forced to put it in every dish. Foods that are prepared in the market such as potato cheese, soup, packaged spicy soybeans (noodles), salads, and cakes. Etc. Ajinomoto is added to them to create flavor.

In addition to sugar, the food is prepared in restaurants. Ajinomoto must also be added to it. It is added to the foods. We eat them as much as possible.

In addition to sugar, the food is prepared in restaurants. Ajinomoto must also be added to it. It is added to the foods. We eat them as much as possible.

Adding Ajinomoto to foods creates a mesmerizing aroma that makes us feel like we are eating something delicious. There is a chemical component and you should stay away from it.

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This chemical component is Amino Acid, which is already present in the body. If the amount in the body increases, paralysis can occur. When we put Ajinomoto in spicy soybeans, the chicken tastes better than the real chicken. 

Abid owns a restaurant and he doesn't add Ajinomoto to whatever he cooks. They say " If I ate food cooked in Ajinomoto, my mouth would get dry, my breath would start to swell and my acidity would increase".

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It is used to flavor food in ordinary restaurants. If the food does not taste good, you should change the way you cook. Improve the balance of the hot spices you use so that the meat and vegetables you cook become more palatable.

Side effects of Ajinomoto include headaches. Excessive fatigue, nausea, excessive sweating, and greasy face. If eaten regularly, it can cause high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, vegetable allergies, asthma, decreased salivation, cancer, and infertility in women.

Side effects of Ajinomoto include headaches. Excessive fatigue, nausea, excessive sweating, and greasy face. If eaten regularly, it can cause high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, vegetable allergies, asthma, decreased salivation, cancer, and infertility in women. 

The best way is to add flavor to your food with homemade spices so that Ajinomoto and canned foods on the market do not cause a variety of diseases

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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