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Amazing Benefits of Garlic - Health-Teachers

According to Greek Islamic physicians, garlic is hot and dry in the third degree. Garlic removes bad material from arteries and veins through sweat.

Garlic is grown in almost every region of the world. In some areas, autos are also produced. Garlic is used in medicine as well as food. Garlic is widely used in aloe vera and homeopathic medicine in addition to indigenous Greek medicine due to its indisputable efficacy.

Garlic is grown in almost every region of the world. In some areas, autos are also produced. Garlic is used in medicine as well as food. Garlic is widely used in aloe vera and homeopathic medicine in addition to indigenous Greek medicine due to its indisputable efficacy. 

According to Greek Islamic physicians, garlic is hot and dry in the third degree. Garlic removes bad material from arteries and veins through sweat. Eliminates phlegm, cough, asthma, shortness of breath, shortness of breath while walking, etc.

Increases inflammation due to stimulant and nephrotic effects. Garlic also has a poisonous effect. That is why our saliva etc. is protected from harmful effects. It is a very useful modern medicine as a medicine for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. 

In case of high cholesterol, use garlic in the following way. Inshallah Shafi will benefit. Garlic Coconut Extract 50 grams in weight. Take 25 grams of ginger and mix garlic and ginger together and cover it with a cloth in the shade. 

In severe cases, take 50 grams of star anise with 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. Do 1 + 1 later. Cleans blood vessels. The movement will regulate the heart. Gentlemen with high blood pressure, make garlic adrenaline sauce in the usual way and eat it with every meal.

In severe cases, swallow a clove of garlic daily in the morning without chewing. Garlic also prevents coughing in unwanted diseases like tuberculosis. Eliminates frozen mucus. Older patients lose their appetite by taking antibiotics. The patient's appetite increases.

Garlic relieves fatigue and weakness and has a pleasant effect on digestion. Luqwa is useful in paralysis along with other medicines. Whenever housewives cook things like meat, cabbage, potatoes, etc., you must add garlic.

Garlic relieves fatigue and weakness and has a pleasant effect on digestion. Luqwa is useful in paralysis along with other medicines. Whenever housewives cook things like meat, cabbage, potatoes, etc., you must add garlic. 

Adding garlic to roasted curry, in particular, maintains its usefulness. Garlic is also used externally. For ear ailments, ear pus, ear corm, etc., mix garlic in sesame seeds and light it on fire. Check for cooling and keep safe. Put a few drops in the ear while it is still warm. Inshallah, it will be comfortable.


Garlic 100 gms, Berg Arnd 50 gms, Berg Dhattoora 50 gms, Berg Aak 50 gms, Cloves 25 gms, Cinnamon 25 gms. Boil in the morning, when half is left, mix 1 kg of sesame oil in it and put it on the fire again. When all the water is burnt, take it off the stove, cool it, and save it. 

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My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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