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Amazing Tips About Healthy Life

The best way to keep the human body healthy is to keep it safe from the sufferings and ravages of diseases. They will be more beneficial and practical

The best way to keep the human body healthy is to keep it safe from the sufferings and ravages of diseases. They will be more beneficial and practical. By following them, we can get rid of many problems. They do not cost much, so everyone can follow them.

The best way to keep the human body healthy is to keep it safe from the sufferings and ravages of diseases. They will be more beneficial and practical. By following them, we can get rid of many problems. They do not cost much, so everyone can follow them.

There are many types of diseases, but as far as our topic is concerned, the most important of them are those diseases are called infectious or contagious diseases, which means that these diseases are spread from one sick person to another healthy person and when When a disease affects many people at one place at a time, it is called an "epidemic". 

These types of diseases are caused by different types of germs which, due to their specific shape, characteristics, and other characteristics, are transmitted through the microscope. This can be easily seen by seeing. Most of the time, God has limited the structure of germs to only one cell, that is, it is like a box, and these germs are moist and shiny, so dust particles or water.

Consolidating on small droplets, they fly around in the air, that's why in dusty air or in the air that a person releases from his throat, mouth, or nose by sneezing or coughing, or spitting, these germs are found in large numbers. They are in these wastes. They are also found in what we excrete in the form of urine, feces, or mucus.

Many germs reach the fields with garbage and then in the body of different animals or in fruits and vegetables. And don't sneeze or cough without covering your nose with a handkerchief, don't throw phlegm on the public streets and don't blow your nose, and whenever you defecate or urinate, wash your hands thoroughly and wash your utensils before eating. 

And wash your hands very well and try to keep the air around the place where there are large food items free from dust, then we can protect ourselves from many diseases. In addition to particles and insects, there are other sources of germs that can be protected. therefore, it is necessary to keep food and drink completely safe from them.

And wash your hands very well and try to keep the air around the place where there are large food items free from dust, then we can protect ourselves from many diseases. In addition to particles and insects, there are other sources of germs that can be protected. therefore, it is necessary to keep food and drink completely safe from them. 

Not only that but don't let any animal come close to them, even if they are pets. These germs also enter our body due to injuries or wounds, for example, a bite on your foot while walking, a nail, or a thorn pierced, because they are often dirty, so the germs enter the body through the wounds created by them. 

Therefore, when such an accident occurs, immediately apply iodine tincture on it so that all the germs are dead or sprinkle it with ground turmeric or wash it with an antiseptic and apply some kind of medicine on it, such as sulfonamide powder, etc. 

So that these germs are blocked there and cannot enter the body. A certain type of germs is found in street garbage, especially in which dung is mixed. In this disease, the whole body often becomes stiff and stiff like a board and there is immense pain. This disease is often fatal and its treatment is very difficult. closes violently, then after opening for a while closes again with great force, and whenever it is forced. 

If an attempt is made to suffocate, it closes more tightly, after which tetanus attacks occur and finally the patient dies. But never take the wounds lightly, especially on city streets where cattle come and go or horses and mules, etc., such wounds should be immediately treated with a tincture of iodine or any other such medicine and consult a specialist.

Some germs get into the water that we drink or with which we wash our food and drink utensils. The germs of this disease are also found in the feces of the patient with tuberculosis and after defecating, these germs remain on the hands of the patient if they do not clean their hands and especially the nails well after defecating. 

So germs also get on the utensils from his hands and when a healthy person uses these utensils, these germs enter his body and become a cause of disease. In the same way, it is transmitted through milk. There is also a type of these bacteria that are found in the milk of cattle, so raw milk should never be drunk. This will cause the disease to spread.

Germs are also alive, so for them to survive and spread, it is necessary to have a favorable environment and there are some conditions, so they need food for their life and growth, which they get from feces and urine. Obtained from decaying matter, they require a certain temperature to survive and this temperature should be approximately equal to the temperature of the human body.

Therefore, they also get both of these things from the air, although some of them can grow very well with very little oxygen or without it, for example, tetanus bacteria. Therefore, it can be easily understood that if we do not allow this environment to be created or change this type of environment, then the growth of germs can be stopped. They can also prevent drinking water from becoming a source of their spread.

Boiling water and food can kill their germs. How long should water be boiled? This interval should be from three minutes to half an hour. This interval depends on the nature of the object and on the germs it is intended to kill. To enter the body, the germs adhere either to the membrane of the throat, as in diphtheria, or to the inner surface of the intestines.

Boiling water and food can kill their germs. How long should water be boiled? This interval should be from three minutes to half an hour. This interval depends on the nature of the object and on the germs it is intended to kill. To enter the body, the germs adhere either to the membrane of the throat, as in diphtheria, or to the inner surface of the intestines.

They cling to the membranes that are attached and then from there with the air into the lungs and with the food from the intestines, these germs, and the poison they produce go to the whole body, when there is a wound on the skin, even if it is only If the skin has been peeled, these germs enter the body through this route as well. The easiest and most open routes are the nose and mouth.

You must have seen how quickly germs can grow if the floors are dirty and not clean. Do not use other washing items, especially those who have recently recovered from an illness, and keep your hands as clean as possible and wash them thoroughly before eating. And use water that you are sure is clean and do not put anything in your mouth except food and drink. 

Fourthly, keep your skin clean by washing it with soap and fresh water. No matter how small, apply a disinfectant, fifth, try to keep mosquitoes, flies, and rats away from your home, and lastly and most importantly when these germs enter the body. So the body's immune system immediately goes into action to kill them, so a proper diet, clean air, exercise, and sleep. Do your best to maintain your immune system.

Fourthly, keep your skin clean by washing it with soap and fresh water. No matter how small, apply a disinfectant, fifth, try to keep mosquitoes, flies, and rats away from your home, and lastly and most importantly when these germs enter the body. So the body's immune system immediately goes into action to kill them, so a proper diet, clean air, exercise, and sleep. Do your best to maintain your immune system.

Many diseases in our country often spread in two parts of the year, one is during the rainy season when diarrhea, cholera, tuberculosis, and malarial fever are common and the other is when the winter season is about to end. At the same time, pneumonia, cough, cold, measles, and diphtheria are common diseases. 

This should not be taken to mean that diseases do not occur in other times, but it is intended to show that a large number of people suffer from these diseases in these times. Some of these diseases are called children's diseases, for example, measles, whooping cough, whooping cough, etc., because they are often seen in children. 

There are also some wrong ideas about these diseases. Second, they should not be treated, although it often happens that the patient never returns to his original condition after apparent relief, because some organ or organ is permanently damaged. For example, the eye becomes swollen due to measles or the pus grows in the ear, and the heart and kidneys become sick due to gout and diphtheria, so these diseases should not be treated negligently and no expert According to the advice, they must be treated. 

These diseases are rarely seen in adults because most of the time they have been suffering from these diseases in children and their body has developed immunity against these diseases. The initial symptoms are almost the same headache, fatigue, red and watery eyes, cold, Fever, sore throat, etc. 

These diseases are also spread by the fluids and materials that are released from the eyes, nose, or throat, whether they come out from coughing or sneezing, special attention should be paid to these symptoms in schools and as soon as any child It should be seen that he should be prohibited from coming to school and he should not be allowed to come to school without a doctor's confirmation that the child is now completely healthy.

So understand that the reasons for the spread of these diseases can be:

  • Increase the power of germs to cause disease,
  • The immunity in the human body, i.e. the power to fight the disease, decreases, or the person has a natural tendency to suffer from a particular disease.
  • Changes in the environment of the population that increase the strength of the germs or reduce the immunity of the people, for example, the climatic changes increase to an extreme or the strong and weak people gather in one place in large numbers. Go to a hot country.

Accordingly, the strength of an epidemic is reduced when:

  • The number of men with disease tendency should decrease.
  • The force of disease-causing germs should decrease.
  • Increase the immunity of the population.
  • Seasonal changes should be such that the strength of the germs will decrease or disappear and the immunity of the population will increase.

Human efforts also have a great influence on the prevention of infectious diseases and epidemics, for example, vaccination to prevent smallpox, drinking clean water and boiling milk, etc.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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