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Kalonji is the Protector of Health - Health-Teachers

it eliminates colon cancer. To get rid of kidney and bladder stones, kalonji juice mixed with honey is drunk, which disintegrates the stones.

Kalonji seeds have many health benefits. It is both food and medicine. The qualities and importance of these seeds can be estimated from this hadith.

Kalonji seeds have many health benefits. It is both food and medicine. The qualities and importance of these seeds can be estimated from this hadith.

"Use Kalonji, for it has the cure for every disease except death."Kalonji has amazing benefits, for example, the consumption of Kalonji increases the milk supply of a lactating woman.

Scientists from Germany have declared Clonji useful for getting rid of cancer. According to their research, it eliminates colon cancer. To get rid of kidney and bladder stones, kalonji juice mixed with honey is drunk, which disintegrates the stones. 

Kalonji is also used externally. Just smelling it helps in colds. For this purpose, take two grams of Kalonji, Noshadar, and South. Then make a paste of these and put them in a pot, which by sniffing will open the blocked nose and keep colds away. It is beneficial. 

By eating Kalonji stuff mixed with honey, blood clots are removed. Eating half a spoon of this stuff in the morning strengthens the nerves. Kalonji is also beneficial in respiratory diseases, especially asthma. Kalonji also relieves stomach cold.

By eating Kalonji stuff mixed with honey, blood clots are removed. Eating half a spoon of this stuff in the morning strengthens the nerves. Kalonji is also beneficial in respiratory diseases, especially asthma. Kalonji also relieves stomach cold.

Kalonji is the best remedy for killing stomach worms. Irrespective of the type of worms in the stomach, eating Kalonji is very beneficial. Eating half a teaspoon of Kalonji in the morning and evening will kill most types of worms.

Kalonji is also useful for hair. It stops hair fall, and hair becomes long and thick. For this purpose grind kalonji very finely and keep it on the hair roots for some time. Then for half an hour. Then wash off with lukewarm water.

It makes the hair beautiful and strong. It acts as a tonic for hair. Thus, Kalonji is also useful in the complaint of acne on the face. Grind Kalonji in vinegar and apply it on the face at night and on the face in the morning. 

Follow this recipe in just a few days to get rid of acne on your face.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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