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Diseases can be diagnosed by sweating - Health-Teachers

Diagnosis of certain diseases and addictions already precedes sweating. For this purpose, the patient's sweat needs to be sent to a laboratory for ana
Diseases can be diagnosed by sweating - Health-Teachers

Diagnosis of certain diseases and addictions already precedes sweating. For this purpose, the patient's sweat needs to be sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Immediate and continuous monitoring of perspiration was not possible due to the absence of monitors that were light in weight, flexible, and flowing on the body. So researchers have introduced a new device.

According to the study's authors, their new device not only includes all of these features, but is also the starting point for other future uses. According to Ali Javi, a professor of engineering and computer science at the University of California who is the lead author of the report, "human sweat contains a lot of important information.

Thus it is a very important body fluid for the sensors that do not enter the body. According to him, current wristbands cannot detect changes in the level of molecules in your health. They are unable to tell what changes are taking place in your body and whether they are imperfect or dangerous.

According to experts and engineers at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford, their device is capable of doing this by analyzing your sweat, according to AFP.

Diseases can be diagnosed by sweating - Health-Teachers

The 'smart headband' or 'smart wristband' can be worn on the kosher or on the wrist. This device has flexible sensors and microprocessors that attach to your skin. This device analyzes the chemical components present in sweat, including the amount of sodium, glucose, potassium and lactate, as well as the temperature of the skin.

It also monitors muscle fatigue, dehydration or dangerously high body temperatures. All the data obtained in this way is immediately and continuously transferred to a smartphone app.

A report on this device and research has been published in the research journal Nature. According to George Brooks, co-author of the study, with the help of this non-invasive analytical technology, it will be possible at any time to diagnose many diseases without having to inject or inject urine.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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