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Take a nap and increase your mental capacity - Health-Teachers

A short nap after lunch is called a nap. This is a blessed tradition of our beloved Prophet and after many centuries, modern scientific research and e
Take a nap and increase your mental capacity - Health-Teachers

A short nap after lunch is called a nap. This is a blessed tradition of our beloved Prophet and after many centuries, modern scientific research and experiments have shown that sleeping for a short time during the day can be very beneficial for your mental and physical health. While our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of "Allah" be upon him) has shown us its importance through practical demonstrations.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of "Allah" be upon him) said: Take a nap, that is, take a nap for a while in the afternoon.
There is wisdom in this Sunnah for us because taking a nap restores physical energy and removes mental fatigue as if nayadan starts after a nap. The saints are bringing hidden benefits.
Recently, a company in China has made it mandatory for employees to get half an hour of sleep after lunch. Company employees are required to rest for half an hour of their working hours after lunch. According to the report, due to this move of the Chinese company, its production has increased by 30%. The Chinese company says that taking a short rest after lunch has led to a surprising increase in performance.

Take a nap and increase your mental capacity - Health-Teachers

Therefore, other companies should also apply this unique law.
Therefore, we should also follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of "Allah" be upon him) and take a nap in the afternoon to increase our mental capacity. Innovative research by taking a nap and increasing reward learning power.
You may have heard it said many times a day that taking a nap, called a nap, increases mental capacity and strength, but in the light of modern scientific research and experience from the University of Geneva, it has been revealed that memory has to do with reward.

The joy and dedication of receiving a reward take precedence over memorizing the lesson for which the reward will be given, and even a little sleep after memorization proves to be very useful and helpful.
According to Dr. Kangaglui, a researcher at the University of Geneva, the reward works as a tag to capture information in the brain during memorization.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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