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Treat pain with physiotherapy - Health-Teachers

Physiotherapy is a therapy that reduces pain through a variety of physical techniques and facilitates the movement of the limbs. Physiotherapists use

Treat pain with physiotherapy - Health-Teachers

Physiotherapy is a therapy that reduces pain through a variety of physical techniques and facilitates the movement of the limbs. Physiotherapists use more physical exercise therapy.

Back pain:

Back pain is very common. It comes in many types. It includes mild to severe pain. If the treatment is right, more people can get rid of it. Lie flat on the ground, and keep both legs straight. Lift the left knee and bring it close to the chest.

Stay in the same position for ten seconds and then straighten the leg. Repeat the same process with the right leg. Stand up straight, and keep both hands down. Lean towards the left hand so that the left-hand slips on the left leg.

Stay in this position for ten seconds, then slowly rise. Take a deep breath straight up then repeat the same process on the right side.

Neck pain

Treat pain with physiotherapy - Health-Teachers

People who work on computers often have neck pain. Sometimes not keeping the neck properly also causes neck pain. This type of exercise is very effective for this type of pain. You can do this exercise while sitting in a chair. Focus on something in front of you.

Slowly move the head backward, now you are looking at the ceiling. Keep the body still. Stay like this for five seconds and then bring the head back to the first position. Now keep your head down with your eyes in front. Lean towards. 

Now keep your eyes on the ground. Keep your body still. Stay in the same position for five seconds and then straighten your head. Keep your eyes in front. Turn the head to the left as much as possible. Now keep your eyes on the left shoulder. Stay in the same * position for five seconds, then slowly straighten the head. Repeat the same process to the right.

Toe pain

Treat pain with physiotherapy - Health-Teachers

Do this barefoot exercise for leg pain: Lift the toe and write the count from one to ten with the help of the claw. Repeat the same process with the other toe. Sit on a chair, lift your legs and bend your toes. With the help of your toes, lift a small piece of cloth from the ground.

Lift the toe and straighten the toe upwards, and rotate the ankle in a clockwise direction. Repeat the same process with the other toe. Stand up and walk on your toes for five seconds. You can also do these exercises during work.

You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. Here are a few things to keep in mind to get the most out of exercise:

Repeat each exercise five times and increase this number over time. In exercise, focus on the part of the body you are exercising for more than the number. Instead of rushing, move the body parts slowly. Undoubtedly, these exercises will definitely benefit you.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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