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Types of diabetes

If attention is paid to the treatment of liver diseases, the patient can also get rid of the clutches of diabetes. In general, liver diseases include

How much do you know about these types of diabetes?

Types of diabetes - Health-Teachers

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous and painful diseases of the present time. People use a lot of bitter products to get rid of them. People may have understood that bitterness is the opposite of sweetness, so eating bitter things will get rid of diabetes.

However, this is not the case because according to a group of medical experts, diabetes is not the name of a single symptom or disease, but it is the name of a collection of several symptoms and disorders, which comes as a food reaction. It can be said with great confidence that if diabetic patients change their daily routine and diet, they will be able to avoid its side effects and fatal conditions to a great extent.

According to naturopathy, there are generally five types of diabetes.

Chronic Diabetes

Types of diabetes - Health-Teachers

The symptoms of diabetes also begin to appear due to the malfunctioning of the intestines. If this disorder is treated early, the symptoms of diabetes also disappear automatically. Intestinal inflammation, intestinal motility disorders, constipation, toxic gases in the intestines, formation of a dry layer, etc.

Due to the long stay of waste materials in the intestines, a foul odor occurs. The answer is not open. The patient feels heaviness and heaviness in the stomach. There is a desire to defecate many times a day, but it is not possible. Most of the time, people suffering from common diseases start to pass small urine, and every time the stool is small. Lives.

The worst cause of bowel disorders is heavy and frequent consumption of heavy, fast, and slow-digesting foods. Diabetes caused by intestinal disorders is called infective diabetes.

Gastrointestinal Diabetes

Types of diabetes - Health-Teachers

Sometimes symptoms of diabetes begin to appear due to gastrointestinal disorders, which is called gastric diabetes.  Most patients with diabetes have a frequent urge to eat and thus the patient and the doctor understand that the stomach is performing its function correctly, although this theory is not correct, from the point of view of medicine, eating frequently Feeling the intensity of hunger from time to time is a separate and subtle disease, which is called Jao Abkar. It will end.

Hepatic diabetes

The liver is another name for liver, so people who are suffering from liver diseases for a long time sometimes suffer from the symptoms of diabetes.

If attention is paid to the treatment of liver diseases, the patient can also get rid of the clutches of diabetes. In general, liver diseases include a predominance of bile and flatulence, liver rot, inflammation of the liver, etc.

Mental diabetes

People who work in a stressful environment or are suffering from any mental stress start to show the symptoms of diabetes. Such diabetes is called mental. Diabetes is also called brain sugar. The tendency of brain diabetes is more common in people who suffer from tension, depression, and mental anxiety.

Generalized diabetes

Generalized invasive diabetes is caused by malfunctioning the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland that fulfills the required need for insulin in the body. Due to excessive use of fats, its function is impaired, because it is the job of insulin to control the sugar level in the human body, so the lack of insulin or excess sugar. 

The level is affected. It should be remembered that malfunctions in kidney function are caused by poor quality food, convenience, and other environmental factors. Diabetes caused by a malfunction of the pancreas is called pancreatic or general diabetes.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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