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Ways to get rid of stress - Health-Teachers

There is no shortage of people who are eager to go on duty on their own.

Ways to get rid of stress - Health-Teachers

According to a Gallup poll, 1,011 people interviewed last year did not have enough time to pursue their favorite activities. The fact is that people with children under the age of 18 who are full-time employees spend a large part of their time in employment.

According to the survey, Asians have longer working hours so they can't take up any hobbies. In Singapore, people are busy 46 hours a week, while in Hong Kong it is 7:46 and in France, it is 6:36. Their engagement is sometimes forced because many companies have a rule that even if an employee is ill, they have to be on duty.

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There is no shortage of people who are eager to go on duty on their own. He loves his job very much because all his friends are there where they meet so much that they don't like their separation.

As a result, they may not be able to devote time to other pursuits, especially to their families. They need to slow down their lives and make time for others.

Keep yourself busy:

Older people who have no preoccupation with stress are more likely to be depressed. The only solution is to be attracted to animals or birds. Fifty-year-old Margaret Rubin loves birds.

He spends all his time feeding them and arranging drinking water for them. He is surrounded by colorful birds. She has three sons, who take part in her activities and make time for the birds.

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David Anderson, 60, has learned para. In addition to fishing, he also catches fish. "Life is full of problems, but instead of living in the past and worrying about the future, we should live in the present," he said. Hobbies such as jogging or jogging keep you up to date and keep you calm.

Why is it important to live in the present?

Ways to get rid of stress - Health-Teachers

Psychologist Daniel Stern says that even momentary actions have a positive effect on our lives. Whenever a patient enters their clinic, they shake hands with him so that the patient can feel the importance of his presence in the present moment. 

Then after a good conversation and encouragement, when the patient starts to leave, he shakes hands not only with one hand but with both hands.

They do not say anything with the tongue so that the patient can "feel" these moments.

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Gail Blankey, the author of a major book, says one way to get rid of clutter is to cover the past in detail. This process will keep the past relationship with the present.

Gail asked a firm official to write an article on the hardships of his life.

At that moment, when he did not understand anything, Gail urged him to go home. The next day, when he came to see Gail, he wrote a long article. It was then that he realized what kind of life he had lived and what he lacked.

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This writing had a positive effect on him and he began to take an interest in his youngest son's academic pursuits, which had a positive effect on his son as well and he began to achieve significant achievements in his studies.


Ways to get rid of stress - Health-Teachers

Singer Warren Zion says that you can enjoy everything you do, even if you are not eating a sandwich. There are also many ways to enjoy life and get rid of stress, including cooking and reading books. Whatever you do, do it with the utmost interest and cheerfulness.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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