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Reasons of Germ flu and Its Treatment

This cold is caused by germs and is usually caused by a cold. This cold may last for a week or two weeks. This cold may cause many complications.

This cold is caused by germs and is usually caused by a cold. Germs can attack a healthy nose, but an allergic nose is prone to them, thus prolonging the allergy. It doesn't happen suddenly; the sneezing is less, the water doesn't flow from the nose too much, and the cold gradually dominates the patient.

This cold is caused by germs and is usually caused by a cold. Germs can attack a healthy nose, but an allergic nose is prone to them, thus prolonging the allergy. It doesn't happen suddenly; the sneezing is less, the water doesn't flow from the nose too much, and the cold gradually dominates the patient. 

In addition to irritation in the eyes, bacterial colds have headaches and pain, usually, the throat also gets worse, and the patient may have a mild or high fever. This cold may last for a week or two weeks. After two days, thick material starts flowing into the nose instead of water. This cold may cause many complications.


No specific treatment for colds has been discovered yet. Complete bed rest is the best treatment. To increase immunity, take one vitamin C pill in the morning, afternoon and evening, and take vegetarian food. Take two aspirin tablets to get rid of headache and fever. 

Do not put too much pressure and squeeze your nose while clearing your nose during a cold  While cleaning the nose, both nostrils should be fully open. Do not put unnecessary pressure on the nose, and do not squeeze it. While cleaning the nose, both nostrils should be fully open. 

It is best to gently wipe the nose with a tissue. If the nose is blocked, a nasal spray of ephedrine solution can open it, And keep a handkerchief in front of your mouth. If you are healthy, stay away from cold patients. Following is a home remedy for cold:

Dissolve one teaspoon of glycerin, one and a half teaspoons of alcohol, one teaspoon of edible salt, and two glasses of water. Mix them all well and clean the nose with this water in case of nasal congestion sleep. If the cold is more severe or lasts for a long time, then this pain increases in the form of the jaw around the eyes and under the eyes.

Sitting near a heater or stove may reduce the discomfort. It is essential to restore the body's immunity. If there is no improvement despite the treatment, consult a Doctor.

Sore Throat 

Its main cause is germs, but many other factors pave the way for germs, including excessive smoking, exposure to sudden extreme cold or hot weather, excessive consumption of spices in food, weakness, and lack of health and exercise.
Its main cause is germs, but many other factors pave the way for germs, including excessive smoking, exposure to sudden extreme cold or hot weather, excessive consumption of spices in food, weakness, and lack of health and exercise

If the patient is overheated or contagious, the nose or mouth germs can irritate the throat, And the patient gets a slight fever; usually, the patient does not feel hungry and does not sleep.


Complete bed rest. Use aspirin to relieve pain and fever. If sleepy, take sleeping pills (less than two), e.g., Luminal Luminal, and gargle with warm salt water. If the sore throat is old or more severe and has a high fever, consult a Doctor

Consume light, easy-to-digest food. If there is constipation, treat it as well. Use vitamin C to boost immunity. Gargling with soda bicarb is also helpful  Avoid smoking completely.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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