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Treatment of the Diseases With Foods

People who eat the same type of food daily become deficient in vitamins and minerals. People who do not eat a balanced diet may experience weakness.

In naturopathy and wisdom, there is a concept of healing through diet. People who do not eat a balanced diet may experience physical, mental, and neurological weakness. It has been observed that even today, people who adopt a natural environment, simple foods, and a natural lifestyle are protected from many physical, mental, and neurological problems.

In naturopathy and wisdom, there is a concept of healing through diet. People who do not eat a balanced diet may experience physical, mental, and neurological weakness. It has been observed that even today, people who adopt a natural environment, simple foods, and a natural lifestyle are protected from many physical, mental, and neurological problems.

Overall, the effects of foods are shaped by lifestyle and habits. People who eat the same type of food daily become deficient in vitamins and minerals. Sometimes eating a particular food causes an unexpected illness to temporarily disappear. 

Eating foods rich in minerals and vitamins improves the body's immune system. For example, if you have a stomach ache, you should eat guava. Eating guava relieves pain. Honey is considered an elixir to relieve cough and sore throat. Below is how some diseases can be treated with food.


Migraines are sometimes so painful that the brain feels like it will explode. Research has found that people deficient in minerals such as magnesium are more likely to suffer from this disease. Magnesium deficiency in the human body causes spasms in the blood vessels around the brain. 

This process causes nerve pain. Eating bananas, linseeds, pistachios, dried apricots, and wheat porridge improves the immune system.

Menstrual Problems

Women experience various mental and physical problems before their periods. In medical terms, this condition is called premenstrual problems. According to Medical experts, women who have the required amount of riboflavin do not suffer from these problems.
Women experience various mental and physical problems before their periods. In medical terms, this condition is called premenstrual problems. According to Medical experts, women who have the required amount of riboflavin do not suffer from these problems. 

Even young girls who consume folic acid regularly do not develop cell problems. If women include skimmed milk, fortified wheat (which can be eaten in the form of heem), kale, soybeans, cheese, sesame seeds, and tomatoes in their diet, period pains will be reduced.

Vision Impairment

As we age, the white of the eye's cornea begins to deteriorate. This disorder is called "Macular Degeneration." Vision is blurred in this disease. However, any kind of cabbage (cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli) and other green leafy vegetables can be avoided if this disease is eaten. 

A special type of substance is found in green vegetablesThis substance gives green color to vegetables and relieves all vision problems.

Atrophy and Depression

Generally, social pressure and family problems are considered to be the cause of atrophy and depression, but according to Doctors, this disease occurs to a person when a specific neurotransmitter, "serotonin," is lacking in the body.
Generally, social pressure and family problems are considered to be the cause of atrophy and depression, but according to Doctors, this disease occurs to a person when a specific neurotransmitter, "serotonin," is lacking in the body.

This substance controls our mood and removes depression and anxiety. Eating starchy foods to increase the amount of "serotonin" is useful; potatoes and brown rice are essential among these foods.

Less Stress Nerves Decreased Concentration

The deficiency of a substance called "choline" in our body affects concentration and attention. Eggs, chicken, and beef can be eaten to get choline. If we eat an egg every day for a few days, clean the fat well, and eat adequate amounts of red meat, the nervousness can be less severe. 

Apples contain an acid called "Arsulic," which helps increase and improve the performance of hormones in the human body. Eating an apple daily without removing the peel strengthens the nerves.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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