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6 efficient tricks to get the best night's sleep

Long-term poor sleep increases your chance of hypertension, cardiac issues, high blood pressure, being overweight, and possibly an early demise.
6 efficient tricks to get the best night's sleep

If you frequently struggle to fall asleep after a long, exhausting day, shifting positions in bed till two in the morning, you are not alone. A person who gets enough sleep feels refreshed, reenergized, and ready to take on the day.

If you employ the right method, you can fall asleep in a couple of minutes. Long-term poor sleep increases your chance of hypertension, cardiac issues, high blood pressure, being overweight, and possibly an early demise.

1. Unplug your electronics

According to a study, switching off electronics at least an hour before bed can help you obtain the finest possible sleep. All those calls, messages, alerts, and emails keep the brain active, making it challenging to relax and fall asleep at night.

Keep your device away from your bed or set it to DND to prevent getting up to answer a call when you're about to nod off.

2. Consume less alcohol before going to bed

6 efficient tricks to get the best night's sleep

To reduce the likelihood of sleep disturbances, you should stop drinking alcohol for at least four hours before going to bed. Sometimes all you need to unwind after a hard day is a drink of beer. 

However, having one too close to bedtime can have the reverse effect of lulling you to sleep. Even though having a few drinks may make it seem easier to fall asleep, you're more likely to wake up frequently once the high wears off in the middle of the night.

3. Invest in a good mattress.

A good mattress gives the right amount of support and comfort while preserving the spine's natural alignment, which significantly enhances the quality of sleep.

When buying a new mattress, one should consider their height, weight, body type, and favorite sleeping position. Spend at least 10 minutes in your typical sleeping position on any mattress you are really considering.

4. Sleep in a dimly lit area.

6 efficient tricks to get the best night's sleep

Any glimpse of the room's lowest light might cause our sleep to be disrupted and suffer as a result. Even the slightest illumination, like that from a digital alarm clock, has the potential to wake you up.

If you are unable to totally darken your room, think about putting on a cozy eye mask. Make sure your bedroom is kept at a comfortable temperature as well as that you are clothed comfortably.

5. Don't consume coffee before bed.

Avoiding coffee is a good idea because it is a stimulant and will make it more difficult for you to fall asleep. The ideal time to go to bed after finishing your last cup of coffee is at least six hours later.

Try a herbal tea instead, such as one with honey or ginger. In addition, avoid consuming heavy and spicy meals just before bedtime.

6. A hot shower before going to bed.

A hot bath or wash before bed is another popular sleep aid. A hot bath can alter our body temperature in a way that prepares us for sleep in addition to being quite calming.

Not only will you sleep better, but you could even wake up looking better. If you take a bath before bed, your bedding will stay clean for a longer period.

FAQs About Sleep
I get physically weary yet can't sleep. How is it even doable?

The symptom of being wired and exhausted is this. Typically, worry and anxiety are what fuel it. Even if you are weary, a racing mind can cause your nervous system's "fight or flight" branch to become active, keeping you awake and unable to relax. According to Matthew Walker, a professor of neurology and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of the highly regarded book "Why We Sleep," "for us to fall asleep and stay asleep, we need to travel in the other nervous system direction." "We need to switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the soothing portion of the nervous system."

Please help me get to sleep. What kind of safest sleep aid may I take?

Melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep duration and quality, is one of the most well-researched and safest sleep aids. Dr. Kolla claimed that melatonin has few negative effects and is not addictive. Though there is a warning. Melatonin won't cure your insomnia if you have an underlying condition that keeps you awake at night, such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, or panic disorder.

Can my weight have an impact on how well I sleep?

Yes. Being overweight can worsen sleep quality because it encourages the growth of soft tissues in the neck, which raises the possibility of developing sleep apnea. The good news is that research has also demonstrated "substantial and clinically important" improvements in sleep apnea can result from losing extra weight. Additionally, studies demonstrate that sleep deprivation alone can result in weight gain: It leads individuals to eat more snacks and high-calorie junk food throughout the day by raising levels of ghrelin, often known as the "hunger hormone," and decreasing levels of leptin, sometimes known as the "satiety hormone."

Do women have greater trouble falling asleep than do men?

Yes, generally speaking. According to studies, women are around 40% more prone than males to have insomnia. There are several explanations for this. Genetics plays a role in it. The hormonal changes that take place throughout the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause are partly responsible for it. The greater incidence of anxiety and sadness among women is another factor. These two mental health issues, which are two of the main causes of insomnia, are twice as likely to affect women than men, according to studies.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…


  1. How much hour it's best to sleep a day?
    1. Minimum 8 Hour
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