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Four Ways to Get Rid of a Cold

Drinking more water can help relieve cold symptoms. Runny nose or a sore throat are two common cold symptoms that can be alleviated by drinking water

If a cold is caused by any reason, for example, by eating something cold in the winter season, being exposed to the cold winter air, or sitting in an air-conditioned room all day, there is no need to worry, but the following four methods Need to be followed.

If a cold is caused by any reason, for example, by eating something cold in the winter season, being exposed to the cold winter air, or sitting in an air-conditioned room all day, there is no need to worry, but the following four methods Need to be followed. 

You can get rid of cold by following these methods

Drink More Water 

Dr. Robert, a professor at a university, says: “Drinking a lot of water is important when you have a cold. Drink twice as much water as you normally drink during a cold and take a vitamin C tablet.

Drinking more water can help relieve cold symptoms. A runny nose or a sore throat are two common cold symptoms that can be alleviated by drinking more water. The respiratory tract is widened. And it also gets rid of the bacteria in the throat.

Get a Good Night's Sleep

When you sleep soundly at night, your immune system is boosted, as a result of which viruses (airborne germs) are neutralized. An expert says that getting an extra hour or so of sleep in the early hours of a cold will also help.
When you sleep soundly at night, your immune system is boosted, as a result of which viruses (airborne germs) are neutralized. An expert says that getting an extra hour or so of sleep in the early hours of a cold will also help.

According to a study, people who sleep less than seven hours are three times more likely to catch a cold than people who sleep more than seven hours. So when a cold comes, sleep well.

Gargling With A Salt Water

If you have a sore throat due to a cold, gargle with a little salt in lukewarm water. Salt draws out the mucus in your throat. Apart from this, the inflammation in the back of the throat is also eliminated. Salt gargles kill viruses and harmful bacteria. Gargle with half a spoonful of salt in a glass of water.

Take Medicine

When you are suffering from cold and watery eyes and nose and you are also coughing then take medicine after consulting the doctor. Research has shown that in the first twenty-four hours of a cold if such medicines are taken, which contain zinc, the effects of the cold are reduced. These medicines are available at medical stores in the form of tablets or syrup.
When you are suffering from cold and watery eyes and nose and you are also coughing then take medicine after consulting the doctor. Research has shown that in the first twenty-four hours of a cold if such medicines are taken, which contain zinc, the effects of the cold are reduced. These medicines are available at medical stores in the form of tablets or syrup.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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