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Playing games on an iPad stops the growth of children's muscles and bones

According to research, playing more games on the screen of an iPad (touch screen device) stops the growth of children's muscles and bones. The study l
Playing games on an iPad stops the growth of children's muscles and bones - Health-Teachers

According to research, playing more games on the screen of an iPad (touch screen device) stops the growth of children's muscles and bones. The study looked at three- and four-year-olds who play with iPads instead of plastic or wooden toys. Australians play with iPads instead of key toys.

Leon Strecker, a professor at Curtin University in Australia, says children up to the age of five should observe what they play. What effect do these sports have on the body and mind, and how much do their muscles and bones grow during this time?

The study looked at ten children who had iPads, while other children were playing with other toys. Professor Leon Striker says that when children play different games on the iPad, they move their hands and feet less for 15 minutes, but when they play with toys, they move more physically.

Professor Leon observed that children move three times more when they play with an iPad and three times more when they play with toys.

According to Professor Strecker, children who are more attracted to the iPad are more likely to run and move than those children who have to sit still in their chairs for longer periods. Children who play games on the iPad also get neck pain.

Playing games on an iPad stops the growth of children's muscles and bones - Health-Teachers

Children who play on the iPad may change their posture more than children who watch television. But because of the exciting games, they focus on looking at the screen of the iPad, so their body stays still. Professor Leon has advised older children to play games on the iPad for only half an hour, as playing for more than an hour has a detrimental effect on their health.

The Australian Department of Health recommends that parents of children two years of age or younger should be careful not to look too much at the television or iPad screen. Children between the ages of 5 and 17 should not play on an iPad for more than an hour.

There is no law in the UK on how long children should sit in front of an iPad screen, but the government has asked parents not to allow their children to play games on iPads or computers and to watch television.

Sit for hours in front of they should encourage children to walk, cycle, park, and play. Explain the benefits of paralysis to them so that they will be healthier than paralysis. Children who stay indoors and do not leave the house to play, their weight increases and they become fat.
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I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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