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Treatment of scalded skin - Health-Teachers

"It's a big injury and the only way we can recover from it is to put it in the stomach because there is a risk of infection if we stay outside," he sa

Treatment of scalded skin - Health-Teachers

God has created man from noble creatures and he has developed well with the help of his intellect and mind and this continuity is maintained. When a person sees and feels something around him, he also makes it a part of his research.

Kangaroos, for example, naturally raise their newborn baby after birth by placing it in a bag that is attached to the female's abdomen for the same purpose, in which she carries her baby, in which she carries her children around.

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In fact, a baby kangaroo is the size of a human finger and continues to drink milk until it is unable to walk, and thus develops. Today, organ transplants are used to treat any part of the body that is affected, but recently doctors in Brazil have tried amazing techniques to prevent a person from becoming disabled.

Carlos Mariotti, 42, of Lenz, in southern Brazil, had his left forearm peeled off in an office accident. Usually, when the hand is amputated, it is difficult for him to recover, but the doctors put a hand inside his abdomen to save him from disability so that the skin can re-emerge quickly and the patient does not lose his hand.

The hand will now stay in the soft tissue bag inside the abdomen for six weeks, after which the condition will be reviewed. According to Dr. Boris Bernardo, who performed this unique operation, Carlos suffered an injury that caused the skin on the back of his palm and arm to fall off, leaving bones and veins visible.

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"It's a big injury and the only way we can recover from it is to put it in the stomach because there is a risk of infection if we stay outside," he said. Carlos will now stay in Santa Otilia Hospital for six weeks and considers himself lucky. "I still get emotional thinking about the accident, but when the doctors told me about the hand loss, I realized the seriousness of it,

" He said.  Now that hand is on his stomach as if it had been "put in his pocket" and the doctors have told him to move it slowly so that he does not become arrogant. According to Carlos, moving his fingers inside his body feels very strange and frightening.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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