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Eating these Foods and Beating the Cold

During the winter season, energy-dense foods should be consumed. Such foods generate energy in your body.


It is not necessary that colds should occur only in the winter season. It can surround you in any season, but the body is mostly affected by it during the winter season. There are no complaints of runny nose and snoring this season. During the winter season, energy-dense foods should be consumed.

It is not necessary that colds should occur only in the winter season. It can surround you in any season, but the body is mostly affected by it during the winter season. There are no complaints of runny nose and snoring this season. During the winter season, energy-dense foods should be consumed. 

Such foods generate energy in your body. In this way, the body's immunity becomes stable and allows you to fight other diseases. Below we review a few essential foods that can help ward off colds and flu.

Chicken Broth

This is a tried and tested remedy for cold and nasal congestion. In the western world, chicken broth is well drunk for this purpose. It is also known as food penicillin. Research has also proven that nutritious chicken broth not only gives energy to the body but also removes swelling of the nasal cells and obstructions in the flow of breath.

Adding garlic and onion to this broth while preparing it greatly enhances its healing properties. The addition of green chilies or black pepper makes this broth even more flavorful and useful.


The substance "allicin" present in garlic can open the blocked cold; it has a specific smell. Apart from this, garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also increases the body's immunity; thus, the body fights various germs and viruses well.
The substance "allicin" present in garlic can open the blocked cold; it has a specific smell. Apart from this, garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also increases the body's immunity; thus, the body fights various germs and viruses well. 

In Pakistan and India, garlic and green chili are eaten with passion and relish during this season.


Nature has given ginger a great property to combat cough, fever, and cold. Hot ginger tea or crushed ginger added to boiling water and kept covered for ten minutes after adding a little dollop of honey is very useful. 

Drinking it in the morning gives a feeling of warmth and heat, and sweating and fever also subside.

Vitamin C

Vegetables and fruits containing Vitamin C (Vitamin C) are essential and helpful in preventing colds. Apart from fresh bananas, oranges, fruits, pineapples, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of this antioxidant.
Vegetables and fruits containing Vitamin C (Vitamin C) are essential and helpful in preventing colds. Apart from fresh bananas, oranges, fruits, pineapples, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of this antioxidant.


Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria called "Lactobacilli," so eating fresh yogurt protects the respiratory tract and lungs from infection and helps you recover faster. For this purpose, adding green chilies, garlic chutney, or jaggery to fresh yogurt is also helpful. 

Apart from these measures, frequent hand washing with soap is an effective preventive measure this season.

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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