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How does caffeine in coffee lower cholesterol?

There are many known benefits of coffee and more are being discovered. Now experts have discovered the scientific reason behind the harmful effect of
How does caffeine in coffee lower cholesterol?

There are many known benefits of coffee and more are being discovered. Now experts have discovered the scientific reason behind the harmful effect of caffeine in coffee and other drinks on lowering LDL cholesterol.

McMaster University scientists have said that excessive consumption of caffeine reduces the amount of a type of protein 'PCSK9' in the blood.

This protein goes to the liver and prevents it from breaking down bad LDL cholesterol. In this way, cholesterol does not increase, which can otherwise accumulate in the arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes.

Dr. Richard Austin, a senior scientist involved in the research, said another function of caffeine is to inhibit the activity of another protein called SREBP-2, which in turn reduces the production of PCSK9. That is, caffeine inhibits LDL formation in two ways.

In addition, SREPB-2 protein, directly and indirectly, increases several diseases, including diabetes and fatty liver disease. But scientists are warning that just drinking coffee doesn't do the trick.

If you are drinking it with sugar and cream, then all the benefits can be lost. Thus, the effectiveness of caffeine is minimized. Then, the habit of soft drinks and sweet syrups turns water on everyone.

However, an excessive amount of caffeine can also be harmful to the body and this is the reason why the use of coffee should also be kept regularly, but it may be that by looking at caffeine more carefully and noting its active ingredients, if not today, then tomorrow.

They can be incorporated into a supplement to make an effective medicine. This drug will play an important role in reducing cholesterol worldwide.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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