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Disadvantages of Overeating the Meat

It has been proven that countries that are meat-eaters and eat the most animal fats have the highest rates of heart disease and the highest death rate

For the longest period of human history, most people have been vegetarians, and this is still the way of life of the majority of the world's population, and the same was the case with the people of the West until recently.

For the longest period of human history, most people have been vegetarians, and this is still the way of life of the majority of the world's population, and the same was the case with the people of the West until recently. 

The over-infatuation with meat is just a story of the century, fueled by the more adventurous twentieth-century prosperity. It is interesting to note that an American consumed 30 kg of beef per year until 1940, which increased to 40 kg in 1978 and has increased even more.

The total meat consumption of an American, including chicken, and fish, is 100 kg per year. Milk and milk products and eggs are excluded. Meat is consumed a lot in our country. It is noteworthy that eleven developed countries consume 40% of the world's meat.

Do vegetarians live longer? It is a common misconception that highly intelligent creatures like humans cannot survive without eating meat. Elephants, horses, oxen, and other animals are herbivores and very strong and muscular. 

In countries where meat supplies were reduced during the World Wars, vegetarianism has improved health and reduced mortality. Cardiovascular diseases were reduced during that time, but after the war, when the food was inflated, the disease and death also returned to the same situation.

It is interesting that the people of Hunza, whose diet consists mostly of vegetables, live very long and there is no doubt that the abundance of vegetables in their diet does them no harm. The habit of eating vegetables is a protector of the heart.

It is interesting that the people of Hunza, whose diet consists mostly of vegetables, live very long and there is no doubt that the abundance of vegetables in their diet does them no harm. The habit of eating vegetables is a protector of the heart

The majority of Seventh-Day Christians do not eat any kind of meat and do not use alcohol or tobacco, which is why this sect is largely safe from heart disease. It has been proven that countries that are meat-eaters and eat the most animal fats have the highest rates of heart disease and the highest death rates. 

It has been reduced in recent times due to precautionary measures and precautions. The situation of the Americans was also dire in this regard. Greeks and Italians, who eat the least amount of animal fat, are in much better shape in terms of heart health. 

The example of Japan is no less, it eats very little fat and has the lowest death rate from heart disease of all industrialized countries, although smoking and high blood pressure (hypertension) is high here. There is now no doubt that vegetarians have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

They are more common in carnivores. People who eat milk and milk products and eggs also have higher cholesterol and blood pressure than vegetarians. A major cause of coronary heart disease is cholesterol and saturated fat, obtained from animal foods. We learn from this fact that vegetarians are relatively protected from heart disease.

Athletes and wrestlers also do not need meat. Many people are under the misconception that athletes etc. need more animal meat (meat). In fact, they need as many nutrients as possible to increase muscle strength and endurance. So much they get from vegetables. Vegetarians have more stamina, endurance, and stamina.

Athletes and wrestlers also do not need meat. Many people are under the misconception that athletes etc. need more animal meat (meat). In fact, they need as many nutrients as possible to increase muscle strength and endurance. So much they get from vegetables. Vegetarians have more stamina and endurance.

The research of the last two decades has proved that a diet that reduces the chances of coronary heart disease, the same diet also leads to a reduction in colon, breast, and uterine cancer. Although these cancers are less common among Seventh-Day Christians and the Japanese, they are more common among meat-eating Americans

There are other causes of stomach cancer in the JapaneseColon cancer is caused by leftover meat, fat, and cholesterol deposits, which create cancerous material and stay close to the colon because people who eat such foods tend to be constipated. The cause of ovarian and breast cancer is the production of high amounts of the female hormone estrogen from this diet, which has carcinogenic effects. 

It has also been found that people who eat vegetables, cabbage, turnips, radishes, spinach, beans, pulses, seeds, and fruits produce anti-carcinogenic enzymes and thus they are relatively protected from cancers.

It is not necessary to be an absolute vegetarian to reap the benefits of vegetarianism. In fact, it is unnecessary to eat meat at every meal or every day. Meals should be arranged in such a way that dependence on vegetables, and salads increases, and meat and fats decrease. Vegetables should be high in meat curry. 

Our point of view should be that the main food is pulses, vegetables, pulses and grains, the remaining small amount of meat is only for aroma and taste.

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My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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