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Fasting Healing of the Soul and the Body

A lack of food in the body allows the digestive system to excrete toxins.The whole body system has the opportunity to concentrate all its energies on

According to Allah Almighty, the main purpose of fasting is piety, that is, to control one's emotions and desires and to protect oneself from unbalanced emotions.

According to Allah Almighty, the main purpose of fasting is piety, that is, to control one's emotions and desires and to protect oneself from unbalanced emotions. 

Taqwa literally means to avoid something. In religious terms, piety means protecting oneself from all carnal desires, bodily desires, sexual inclinations, and emotional stimuli.

If you pass by a path that has bushes on both sides, wrap your clothes with both hands, so that the clothes do not get entangled in the bushes. In the same way, one should protect one's soul from the bushes of evil and sin.

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This is piety and this is the purpose of fasting. Fasting imposes restrictions on things that increase desires. Fasting reduces a person's ability to eat, drink, sleep and rest. 

Appropriate restrictions are also placed on other interests and resources of pleasure, with the result that the desires of the flesh begin to decline and the spiritual powers begin to develop.

There is no evidence from history as to how long fasting has been practiced. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Every religion has rules for fasting. 

Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists all fast according to their own religious teachings. Despite being able to quench his hunger and thirst in a world of extreme hunger and thirst, when a Muslim does not satisfy these desires for the pleasure of his Lord and even in solitude, where no one can see him eating or drinking, he satisfies his hunger and thirst.

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If not eradicated, his spiritual powers and self-control abilities begin to develop with great success. Thus, fasting leads to the development of willpower, endurance, and resistance, which are necessary for the betterment and development of one's personal personality. 

It also has many social benefits. He finds himself close to others and thus creates an atmosphere of cooperation and emotional harmony among the fasting people.

Medical and scientific experts have come to the conclusion after experiments that fasting has no harmful effect on a healthy person. Fasting has beneficial and beneficial effects on physical health and the treatment of diseases.

Medical and scientific experts have come to the conclusion after experiments that fasting has no harmful effect on a healthy person. Fasting has beneficial and beneficial effects on physical health and the treatment of diseases. 

Natural medicine experts have also given great importance to starvation and fasting. Hunger is a natural thing. In most diseases, humans and animals are not attracted to food and in some cases, the concept of food is offensive.

Hunger is a regular treatment. As a therapeutic measure, famine is also found in the early history of medicine. There is no better treatment than famine to cure the diseases and cultural habits created by modern civilization. 

People may have experienced the benefits of starvation in many diseases. In my experience, it has been said time and time again that sometimes when other measures fail, success happens by chance.

Many diseases are caused by overeating and eating fatty foodsMany people, especially well-to-do people, eat at least 35% of the food they eat. 

Eating less keeps both the mind and the body free and safe from fatigue and lethargy, and the person as a whole remains active and energetic. The energy that is expended in digesting excess food can be used for other useful purposes in the case of fasting.

Many diseases are caused by the accumulation of various toxins in the body system. The body always strives to maintain a healthy balance. This balance is disturbed only when the amount of dirt and grime in it increases.

When the body tries to restore this balance, the symptoms of certain diseases begin to appear. These symptoms come in the form of cold, flu, fever, itchy rash, boils, or diarrhea.

All of these symptoms are common forms of certain diseases. In these cases, the body tries to get rid of its toxins and waste. Toxins accumulate in the body through overeating, especially in unhealthy foods, such as meat products, starchy foods, fried foods, whites, sugars, sugars, and flours. Sweets, tea, and coffee.

Anorexia nervosa causes constipation and does not release toxic substances. Food that is commonly eaten is usually substandard. Food that is commonly eaten is also usually substandard. 

Pus and peels are usually excluded from this, which leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, resulting in constipation. Fasting is a way to get rid of toxins faster than ever before.

There are Three Main Benefits of Fasting

  • The food goes away, which eliminates the possibility of becoming a toxic substance.
  • A lack of food in the body allows the digestive system to excrete toxins.
  • The whole body system has the opportunity to concentrate all its energies on the release of toxins and to motivate all the healthy forces to fight the disease.

It should not be forgotten that a lot of energy is wasted in digesting food. When the flow of food stops in the body, this energy takes the opportunity to return to cleansing and reforming the body. 

If the fasting person does not act carelessly during Iftar and eats and drinks in moderation, then fasting is a very powerful and effective weapon for achieving health and can be a means of spiritual healing as well as physical healing.

If the fasting person does not act carelessly during Iftar and eats and drinks in moderation, then fasting is a very powerful and effective weapon for achieving health and can be a means of spiritual healing as well as physical healing.

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My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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