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Foods that Make Our Mood Pleasant - Health-Teachers

Researchers say that the food that a person consumes has a direct effect on his emotions, feelings, and even thoughts.

Balanced and nutritious foods keep a person mentally and physically healthy as well as make their mood pleasant by eliminating their mood swings. The most common cause of depression in humans is the consumption of junk food and lack of essential nutrients in the diet which causes depression and adversely affects human behavior.

Balanced and nutritious foods keep a person mentally and physically healthy as well as make their mood pleasant by eliminating their mood swings. The most common cause of depression in humans is the consumption of junk food and lack of essential nutrients in the diet which causes depression and adversely affects human behavior.

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Researchers say that the food that a person consumes has a direct effect on his emotions, feelings, and even thoughts. If a person is healthy and well-groomed internally and externally, his thoughts will always be positive and he will be able to carry out all his daily activities without any anger, fatigue, or depression.

If a person really wants to be happy and joyful in his life, then he must consume nutritious and happy foods.

Below are Some of These Beneficial Foods


Regular consumption of vitamin B-rich pulses helps a person meet their energy needs. When a person is deficient in these vitamins, he always looks tired and bored.

Regular consumption of vitamin B-rich pulses helps a person meet their energy needs. When a person is deficient in these vitamins, he always looks tired and bored.


Fish is considered a nutritious food that contains omega-3s and essential fatty acids. They improve the mood of the human being, the use of which makes the human body work like a machine. If you are not interested in fish, you can use walnuts instead. Consumption of a handful of walnuts provides up to 95% omega-3 to the body.

Fish is considered a nutritious food that contains omega-3s and essential fatty acids. They improve the mood of the human being, the use of which makes the human body work like a machine. If you are not interested in fish, you can use walnuts instead. Consumption of a handful of walnuts provides up to 95% omega-3 to the body.


Calcium is a food rich in potassium and vitamin B. The B vitamins in it work together to strengthen the energy, the digestive system, and the healthy nervous system in the human body.

Calcium is a food rich in potassium and vitamin B. The B vitamins in it work together to strengthen the energy, the digestive system, and the healthy nervous system in the human body.

They help in the regeneration of healthy cells in the body which play an important role in maintaining the beauty of human skin, hair, and nails. The nutrients in bananas constantly stimulate these cells.

Sour Fruit

Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, etc. help in relieving anxiety and depression. It increases the production of the serotonin system in the human body. It is an important chemical that stimulates the appetite of a young person, improves his feelings as well as keeps his mood pleasant. Foods rich in vitamin C help a person with severe stress or depression.

Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, etc. help in relieving anxiety and depression. It increases the production of the serotonin system in the human body. It is an important chemical that stimulates the appetite of a young person, improves his feelings as well as keeps his mood pleasant. Foods rich in vitamin C help a person with severe stress or depression.


The use of walnuts keeps bones and teeth strong and healthy. They play an important role in activating the growth of new cells in the body. Walnuts help increase the action of insulin in the human body and keep it warm.

The use of walnuts keeps bones and teeth strong and healthy. They play an important role in activating the growth of new cells in the body. Walnuts help increase the action of insulin in the human body and keep it warm.

Walnut nuts (Poly phenols) and other antioxidants strengthen the brain's nerve connections, helping a person to look and feel good.

Corn User

A diet is rich in carbohydrates and amino acids. It contains a lot of nutrients that make a person relax and make their mood pleasant. It helps to increase the production of serotonin in the human body. Helps to maintain a youthful mood.

A diet is rich in carbohydrates and amino acids. It contains a lot of nutrients that make a person relax and make their mood pleasant. It helps to increase the production of serotonin in the human body. Helps to maintain a youthful mood.


Foods that are very useful for the human body, its nutrients, calcium, vitamin D, and protein have a very pleasant effect on the human mood. Depression and seasonal effects in humans are usually caused by a lack of vitamin D and calcium, while the ingredients in milk help keep a person calm and happy, even in times of extreme depression.

Foods that are very useful for the human body, its nutrients, calcium, vitamin D, and protein have a very pleasant effect on the human mood. Depression and seasonal effects in humans are usually caused by a lack of vitamin D and calcium, while the ingredients in milk help keep a person calm and happy, even in times of extreme depression.


An amazing nutrient that is rich in calcium, protein, zinc, and other minerals. The human body does not produce zinc by itself, so regular consumption of nutrients meets a person's daily quota. Like calcium, zinc plays an important role in the growth and formation of cells.

An amazing nutrient that is rich in calcium, protein, zinc, and other minerals. The human body does not produce zinc by itself, so regular consumption of nutrients meets a person's daily quota. Like calcium, zinc plays an important role in the growth and formation of cells.

It enhances hair, skin, eyesight, and even a person's ability to taste and smell. Naturally greasy wall cheese such as cheese made from goat's milk is very useful for the human body and can also be used with sandwiches. 

About the Author

My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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