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More evidence has emerged of the negative effects of mobile screens on children's health

Experts from Angela Ruskin University (ARU) have expressed concern that children who spend too much time watching screens can and are suffering from p

More evidence has emerged of the negative effects of mobile screens on children's health

The biggest challenge for parents around the world right now is how to get their children to spend less time looking at tablets and smartphones.

Now there is more evidence of the very negative effects of too much screen time in children.

Experts from Angela Ruskin University (ARU) have expressed concern that children who spend too much time watching screens can and are suffering from poor vision, lack of attention, and obesity.

In this context, ARU experts have reviewed or meta-reviewed the research done all over the world. According to him, it started during the Corona epidemic and now it is the situation that children have crossed the limit of watching two hours on the screen every day.

All over the world, children spend three or four hours watching mobile phones.

The most frightening thing is that there is a strict prohibition on mobile screens in front of a child up to two years of age, but they are also not far from this situation.

More evidence has emerged of the negative effects of mobile screens on children's health

According to research in one country, Tunisia, screen time has increased by 111% among children from 5 to 12 years.

According to experts, phones and tablets are increasing the dryness of the eyes, redness, and tension in them. But the most dangerous thing is that the mental state of showing a scene by mixing the mirror of both eyes is affected.

Another thing is that children reaching puberty are using more than one device at a time. They keep their phones or tablets with them even while watching TV.

This increases the vision strain. Secondly, activity is dying out and children are becoming prone to obesity and other diseases due to sitting in one place for long periods.

Scientists have urged parents and teachers to somehow reduce screen time in children and encourage them to exercise and be physically active.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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