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Don't be afraid of the dengue mosquito

The female mosquito that causes the dengue virus, which has black stripes on its body, can be found in clean water, water tanks, taps, drains, rainwat
Don't be afraid of the dengue mosquito

The female mosquito that causes the dengue virus, which has black stripes on its body, can be found in clean water, water tanks, taps, drains, rainwater, lakes, stagnant water, and containers filled with clean water. I lay eggs. This female mosquito mostly attacks humans at sunrise or sunset.

These mosquitoes do not lay eggs at a temperature of about 22 degrees Celsius, which stops their reproduction, but the eggs they lay are preserved and wait for favorable weather to breed.

August From December to December, the eggs of these mosquitoes increase rapidly. Symptoms of dengue fever appear three to seven days after the virus enters the body.

Symptoms of dengue fever include cold, high fever, loss of appetite, pain behind the eyes, severe pain in the body, severe pain in the muscles and joints, the appearance of red spots on the body, difficulty in breathing, yellowing of the color, Abdominal pain and decreased platelets and white blood cells in the patient's blood.
Dengue fever has four stages.

In the first stage, the patient starts having severe fever, severe headache, and pain in the knees and joints. In the second stage, severe fever and body pain are accompanied by bleeding from the colon, gums, and skin.

The system is also greatly affected, while in the fourth and final stage, the patient suffers from severe fever and pain. His immunity is greatly reduced, due to which he is easily susceptible to other diseases.

This fever is also called BREAK BONE FEVER because in fever, the patient's bones and muscles have severe pain and then the severity of the disease increases to such an extent that the mouth and nose start bleeding. Dengue fever usually affects people with weakened immune systems.

In addition, in the case of severe infection, "Dengue Hammer Jack Fever" (DHF) occurs, which is a type of dengue fever, in which the patient develops a very high fever for two to seven days and the patient has vomited. I have pain and difficulty breathing.

In this condition, due to the decrease in the number of platelets, bleeding starts. Due to excessive bleeding and physical shocks, there can be a sudden drop in blood pressure, which leads to death.

In such a condition, the patient He should be admitted to the hospital immediately.

According to the World Health Organization, if the patient is treated timely and properly, the death rate from "Dengue Hammer Jack Fever" is less than one percent.

The dengue virus cannot be transmitted from one person to another. The period of transmission of this virus is completed when a mosquito bites a person with the virus and transfers the virus into the blood, causing that person to develop dengue fever.

The risk of spreading the virus to another person occurs when a mosquito that does not already have the dengue virus bites a person with dengue and then the virus is transmitted from the infected person to the mosquito.

And then when that mosquito bites if it bites a healthy person, the virus is also transmitted to that person, so it is important to keep the dengue patient separate from others so that the dengue virus can be prevented from spreading to healthy people.

No vaccine has yet been discovered for the dengue virus, so as soon as any of the above symptoms appear, the patient should drink as much water and drinks as possible and contact a nearby medical center immediately.

Dengue In fever, the patient should be fed such foods, which will increase immunity. Fast digestible and light foods should be fed and the use of chili spices should be minimized.

Prevention from dengue mosquito is the only way to avoid this disease and preventive measures should be done by cleaning houses, offices, and shops two to three times a week.

It should be sprayed properly. These mosquitoes usually bite more in the morning and evening hours, so special care should be taken during these times.

Put mosquito nets on doors and windows to keep out mosquitoes. Spray mosquito repellent on door and window curtains and behind curtains.

Dengue-carrying mosquitoes live in clean water, so water tanks, buckets, and other containers should be covered. No water storage container should be kept for more than a week.

Do not allow water to accumulate inside or outside homes. Dengue mosquitoes can also breed in empty used tin cans and car tires, so items that hold water should be kept empty.

Plant pots and beds. Do not allow water to accumulate around for a long time. To avoid mosquito attacks, wear a full-sleeved shirt and use mosquito repellent.

The use of mosquito nets is mandatory for dengue patients. Children, pregnant women,, and the elderly should also sleep in mosquito nets.

Use socks and blankets for walking in the park in the morning and evening. Dengue can be avoided by keeping areas clean and by taking preventive measures.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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