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The most accurate biological age can be determined by the eyes

Diseases and physical changes occur with age. This is the reason why these conditions can be different even for two people of the same age.
The most accurate biological age can be determined by the eyes

The eyes are the windows of the body and can also reveal physical conditions. It is now known that a detailed examination of the eyes can not only determine the correct biological age but also predict premature death.

Diseases and physical changes occur with age. This is the reason why these conditions can be different even for two people of the same age.

In this way, instead of months and years, if the correct physical life is known, it can be more than the actual age. This is because diseases and physical changes can occur beyond the actual age.

That is, if a person has a heart attack at the age of 40 and the heart is damaged, then the age of the heart may be more than the actual age because the disease has made the heart elder.

The biological age of the body can also be determined by certain chemicals, biomarkers, genetic conditions, mental capacity, the nervous system,, and blood pressure in the body. It can also be found how deadly these conditions can be.

In a report published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, scientists have taken 80,000 images of the posterior deepest part of the fundus in the eyes of 47,000 people between the ages of 40 and 69.

All these images were passed through a machine learning algorithm which revealed more.

This software provided an accurate estimate of the biological age of the retina compared to the actual age. 51 percent of people had a difference of 3 years, 28 percent had a 5-year difference and 4 percent had a 10-year difference.

Thus, the biological age of the eyes of all these people was more than their own age.

Among these older adults, 49 to 67 percent were on the brink of premature death, other than from heart disease or cancer.

That is, aging of the eyes can increase the risk of death by two to three percent and it can be predicted in a way. However, now experts are trying to find out other reasons for this.

However, experts agree that the eyes are organs of the body and many medical conditions can be detected in them.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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