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Water is an Essential Part of Human Life

The body and its systems can function properly when the human body has the required amount of water. A healthy body consists of 60 to 70 percent water

A person feels thirsty when the body begins to show signs of thirst when solid food and liquid food or water are depleted. Body weight is reduced by two percent or more. The causes of thirst are the same, and the methods to satisfy thirst are the same as described in connection with hunger.

A person feels thirsty when the body begins to show signs of thirst when solid food and liquid food or water are depleted. Body weight is reduced by two percent or more. The causes of thirst are the same, and the methods to satisfy thirst are the same as described in connection with hunger. 

The body and its systems can function properly when the human body has the required amount of water. Thus quenching thirst as soon as it occurs is very important to maintain good health. A healthy human body consists of 60 to 70 percent water. So it is just as important to have nutrients as it is to have a body.


It has been stated that food nourishes the body and maintains the required heat. Diet includes all solid and liquid food items entering the human body for growth, health, capacity, and performance. 

Research has proved that during a person's life, all his organs perform their duties: the brain thinks, the eyes see, the ears hear, and the hands and feet move. It also breaks down, so food is the only thing that replenishes their repair, growth, and expended energy

If food does not reach the body, these organs struggle hard to maintain themselves and thus dissolve. They go or get worn out like the parts of a machine get worn out due to lack of oil etc., and then there comes a time when they become ineffective. Therefore, food maintains the energy and health of the human body in three ways.

If food does not reach the body, these organs struggle hard to maintain themselves and thus dissolve. They go or get worn out like the parts of a machine get worn out due to lack of oil etc., and then there comes a time when they become ineffective. Therefore, food maintains the energy and health of the human body in three ways. 

1. Food continues the development of the human body. It repairs the organs because all the organs of the human body continue to break down, which causes the loss of body cells and mineral salts to protect the organs from destruction. The nutrients and salts that the human body receives through food work. 

About three and a half billion cells in the human body contain nutrients, so the body always needs nutrients. Calcium in mineral salts, Phosphorus, and iron salts are especially noteworthy; without them, the destruction of bones and blood cells cannot be treated.

2. The work of food creates strength in the body. This strength is created by adding air, oxygen, sugar, fat, and meat in the body, which keeps the heat instinctively. All works depend on labor and contemplation.

3. In accelerating the growth and performance capacity of the body, food provides different types of compounds to the body. Among the organic compounds, various vitamins, hormones, and iron are essential in the body and play a fundamental role in the construction and survival of the body.

Digestive System 

Some body organs are responsible for digesting food; their overall function is called the digestive system.

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My name is Muzammil and I'm the Content Writer for Health-Teachers. I'm a Content Writer with a passion for Health advisors. I started Health-Teachers with the idea of helping people like yourself, by offering tips. If there is anything yo…

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