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Abnormal liver fat can be removed with exercise

n the language of medicine, it is called 'Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD, which can lead to many liver diseases and even liver cancer. Now

Abnormal liver fat can be removed with exercise

Finland: In particular, most men in the world have abnormal fat on their livers, which can cause many diseases. Now regular exercise can reduce this harmful condition.

In the language of medicine, it is called 'Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD, which can lead to many liver diseases and even liver cancer. Now, scientists from the University of Eastern Finland have subjected people suffering from this condition to high-intensity HIIT exercises for 12 weeks.

Which has not only reduced liver fat but also reduced their waist circumference. Blood glucose levels also improved at the time, which indicates a tendency to diabetes.

But rest assured that exercise also shows perfection inside the body. It improves several biomarkers including amino acids and metabolites beneficial to the body.

Experts have said that exercise is the best way to treat NAFLD without medication. Although it involved 46 people with excess fat on the liver, they did (high-intensity interval training) up to twice a week and did any independent exercise once a week. This process continued for three months. 

Now, those who did not participate in exercise did not lose weight, nor did they lose any fat in the liver. But those who exercised regularly had their blood and other fluids tested. Apart from this, a medical examination was also conducted. 

All subjects showed a reduction in liver fat and their other metabolites also improved. Even reductions in lipid-enhancing secretions and acids were noted. 25% of the world's population, including.

Pakistan suffers from some degree of NFALD and so far there is no effective medicine. That's why exercise can be the best way to eliminate it.

About the Author

I am Huzaifa Sardar, a dedicated health and fitness blogger committed to promoting wellness. With a background in health sciences, I share practical tips and evidence-based insights to empower my audience in their wellness journey. My approachable w…

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